. Rhinolophus Sinicus .
solo exhibition by Nindityo Adipurnomo
D Gallerie, Jakarta
May 27th - June 30th 2023
In 2021, Nindityo Adipurnomo started a new series of work as his personal way of keeping records about the pandemic. Titled “Rhinolophus sinicus”, the project uses an era-specific medium to recall new embodied gestures that mark the social as well as political impacts of the pandemic. Focusing on exploring the aesthetics of the social phenomena during the pandemic, the artist uses his personal embodied experiences and responses in the face of the ongoing socio-political turmoil. Throughout the process of making the series of works, his notes grow and his readings widen—from the simple gesture of wearing a face mask during the pandemic to the conversation about gender inequalities, biopolitics, climate catastrophe, environmental pollution, humanitarian crises, wars, identity, religion, and territory.
Pada tahun 2021, Nindityo Adipurnomo memulai sebuah seri karya baru sebagai langkah personal merekam pandemi. Karya berjudul "Rhinolophus Sinicus" ini menggunakan medium khusus untuk mengingat kembali gestur baru yang menandai dampak sosial dan politik dari pandemi. Berfokus pada eksplorasi estetika fenomena sosial selama pandemi, sang seniman menggunakan pengalaman dan respons pribadinya dalam menghadapi gejolak sosial-politik yang sedang berlangsung. Selama proses penciptaan rangkaian karya ini, catatannya berkembang dan pembacaannya meluas—mulai dari gestur sederhana seperti memakai masker selama pandemi hingga perbincangan mengenai ketidaksetaraan gender, biopolitik, bencana iklim, pencemaran lingkungan, krisis kemanusiaan, peperangan, identitas, agama, dan politik ruang.